Great britain occupies a large island to the west of europe перевод текста – Great Britain occupies a large island to the We..

Great Britain occupies a large island to the We..

Great Britain occupies a large island to the West of Europe: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland constitute the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Великобритания занимает большой остров на Запад Европы: Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс и Северная Ирландия составляют Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.
The total area of the United Kingdom is 244,000 square kilometres with a population of 56 million. Общая площадь Соединенного Королевства составляет 244,000 квадратных километров с населением 56 миллионов.
The climate of the country is mild. It is typically maritime. Климат страны умеренный. Типично морской.
The winters are warm, the summers are cool and the weather is very changeable. Зимы теплые, лета прохладны, и погода очень изменчива.
There are many rivers and beautiful lakes in the country. Есть много рек и красивых озер в стране.
The rivers in Britain are not long. Many of them are connected by canals. Реки в Великобритании не длинны. Многие из них связаны каналами.
Many large cities are situated on the rivers. Много больших городов расположены на реках.
London, the capital of Great Britain, is in the valley of the Thames. Лондон, столица Великобритании, находится в долине Темза.
Stratford is on the banks of the Avon, Cambridge is on Cam. Стратфорд на берегу Эйвона, Кембридж находится на Камеру.
Great Britain is a monarchy but the power of the Queen is limited by Parliament. Великобритания – монархия, но власть Королевы ограничена Парламентом.
The Government is depended on the capitalists who hold all the economy in their hands. Правительство зависит от капиталистов, которые поддерживают всю экономику в их руках.
Great Britain is a highly developed industrial capitalist country. Великобритания – чрезвычайно развитая индустриальная капиталистическая страна.
Almost half of Great Britain’s population is engaged in industry. Почти половина населения Великобритании занята промышленностью.
Shipbuilding, machine building, electronic engineering now are the main branches of Great Britain’s industry. Кораблестроение, машиностроение, электроника теперь – главное отделения из промышленности Великобритании.

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Great Britain occupies a large island to the West of Europe. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland constitute the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The total area of the United Kingdom is 244,000 square kilometers with a population of 50 million.

The climate of the country is mild. It is typically maritime. The winters are warm, the summers are cool and the weather is very changeable.

There are many rivers and beautiful lakes in the country. The rivers in Britain are not long. Many of them are connected by canals.

Many large cities are situated on the rivers. London, the capital of Great Britain, is in the valley of the Thames. Stratford is on the banks of the Avon, Cambridge is on the Cam.

Great Britain is a monarchy but the power of the Queen is limited by Parliament.

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial capitalist country. Almost half of Great Britain’s population is engaged in industry. Shipbuilding, machine building, electronic engineering now are the main branches of Great Britain’s industry.











Great Britain is a monarchy. But the power of the Queen (or King) is limited by Parliament.

Parliament consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Members are elected only to the House of Commons. The House of Lords is hereditory. Members of one House may not enter the other. The exception is the day of the State Opening of Parliament.

In the House of Lords before the Throne there is the Woolsack upon which the Lord Chancellor presides over the lords.

The Speaker presides over the members of the House of Commons.

The Party which obtained the majority of seats in the House is called the Government and the others the Opposition. The Prime Minister is responsible for the policy conducted by Parliament. Ministry is formed from the party in power.

The House of Lords has 850 members. The House of Commons has 630 members who are elected. The electing is held every 5 years. At present there are the following political parties: the Conservatives, the Labour Party and the Liberals.

When Parliament sits, a flag (Union Jack) flies over Victoria Tower by day and a light in the Clock Tower burns above the Big Ben—by night.






Britain and America were once described as nations divided by a common language. Just what is the difference between the English spoken in Britain and America?

The first English settlers to reach America arrived in Virginia in 1607 and in Massachusetts in 1620. They all spoke English of the early seventeenth century — the language of Shakespeare and Milton. Most of them came originally from the south and south-east of England. Although some of them had spent some years of exile in Holland they spoke with the accents of the southern part of their home country. To a large extent they kept that form of speech, but they soon learned to give old words new uses. They also took words from the local Indian languages for plants and animals that were new to them.

Until the Declaration of Independence in 1776 over two-thirds of the settlers in what later became the U.S. came from England. After that date many other people came to make a new life for
themselves in the New World. These included Irish, French, Germans, Dutch, Italians, Slavs, and Scandinavians. All these people gave new words to the language of North America. The Negroes who had been taken from Africa as slaves to work on the rice and cotton plantations added words and structures from their own native languages. Some people today think that the very American expression O.K. comes from a similar expression which was brought to America by the Negroes.

Although all these people contributed in various ways to the language which was to become American English, there is one man who can be singled out as the person who did most to give American English an identity of its own. He was Noah Webster (1758—1843). He is largely responsible for the differences which exist today between British and American spelling.









The United States is a federal union of 50 states plus one independent district — the District of Columbia. Forty-nine states, including Alaska, form the continental United States. The 50th state is separated from the continental part. It is the state of Hawaii – a group of islands situated in the mid Pacific Ocean.

Washington, D. C. is the seat of the Federal Government of the United States. The Federal Government is made up of three branches — the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial Branches.

The function of the Executive Branch is to carry out the laws of the nation. It consists of the President, Vice-President and the President’s Cabinet. The members of the Cabinet are chosen by the President.

The Legislative Branch, Congress, is where the laws are made and adopted. Congress is made up of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 Senators elected, two from each of the 50 states, regardless of their population. The members of the House of Representatives are elected for only 2 years and their number in the Congress depends upon the state’s population.

The Judicial Branch is headed by the Supreme Court which settles any disputes involving the national government or disputes between two or more states.





Philadelphia, which was founded in 1682 by William Penn, a prominent statesman, was a large city in Colonial America. Even now some parts of the old city remind one of the past. Visitors can walk the old streets, see the old houses and public buildings.

Here in 1774 the first Congress of delegates from all the colonies was held. Among the delegates were men of great fame, such as George Washington and John Adams, the first and second Presidents of the USA. The main decision of the first Continental Congress was to unite the efforts of all the colonies against Great Britain.

The second Continental Congress, held in Philadelphia a year later, decided to organize an army to defend the colonies. George Washington was chosen commander-in-chief and the War for
Independence began. The Congress named a committee of five to draw up the Declaration of Independence. The work was actually done by Thomas Jefferson, then 33 years old. On July 4, 1776 the Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. Celebration of the fourth of July as Independence Day began the next year.

Philadelphia was the city where the US Constitution was adopted in 1788—1789. In 1790 the first Congress met in Philadelphia and decided that Philadelphia would be the capital of the USA while the federal capital in Washington, D. C. was being built. It remained the capital for the next 10 years.






Only in recent years scientists and doctors began serious study of the influence of television on children and young people.

Some psychologists say that after parents, television has the greatest influence on children today.

Of course, watching TV has its good and bad sides. From TV children get information about the world, they learn new words and begin to use them in their speech.

But TV also influences the development of a child in a negative way. When children spend all day in front of TV sets they cannot usually find time to read, to play games in the yard, to talk to their parents and friends.

Some teachers say that children who watch TV every day talk too much at school at the lessons. They cannot talk at home while watching TV and so they begin to talk at school.

TV influences the creative abilities of pupils. In America there was such an experiment. 250 good pupils could watch TV for many hours every day. After three weeks the pupils were tested.
The results were unusually low.

Pupils who watch TV very much cannot understand an easy story without pictures, tables or illustrations.

Television usually makes children passive. When a child watches TV he lives the lives of TV heroes, he travels with them, does every thing with them. But he is not doing anything, he is just sitting in an armchair and watching TV.

When a child watches TV, everything seems very easy to him. And real life begins to seem easy. He cannot work hard, because watching TV does not need hard work. There is also serious concern about the negative effect of some TV shows in which scenes of violence and crime are predominant.




In the past, scientists thought that for many centuries only leather and furs were used in ancient Russia as money. But now it is known that silver money was also used.

In the XII—XIV centuries almost all the coins disappeared in Russia. It happened because Russia was at war with the German Knights and the Mongol-Tartars at the same time. After the war the Russians had to fight with the Mongol-Tartars. So normal trade and economic ties with both the West and the East were broken. People began to hide money not to pay it to the Mongol-Tartars, that’s why archaeologists to this day find a lot of coins from that period.

In the XIV century some Russian principalities began to make their own silver coins. The coins weighed as much as one rouble. In ancient Russia the word “rouble” meant a silver piece which
weighed 200 grammes. The coins were called denga. Now we use this word as dengi and it means “money”. It was difficult to use them in the country as there were more than 25 cities which made money and coins were different in different cities.
In 1534 a single monetary system was introduced in Russian state. It showed that the long process of unification of the country was over. A new coin — a silver copeck — was made. In the 17th century Peter the Great began to rule the country and made many changes in Russia, and one of them was a new monetary system. A silver rouble became the main coin, there were 10 copecks and 5 copecks.

In 1769 the first Russian paper money appeared. When World War I began all gold and silver coins disappeared and only paper money was used at that time.




Mr. Brown got to a hotel late in the evening after a long journey. He asked the desk-clerk whether there were any vacant rooms in the hotel. At that moment another traveller came to the hotel and asked the desk-clerk for a room too.

The only vacant room was a double one. “Do you mind spending the night in that room together?” the desk-clerk asked. At first the travellers didn’t like the idea, but just then it began raining hard and they were too tired to go to another hotel, so they changed their minds. Their things were carried in and soon the two men went to sleep.

Suddenly a loud voice woke Mr. Brown up. It was quite dark. “What’s the matter?” Mr. Brown asked in surprise. In a weak voice the second traveller answered: “I’m sorry, but I had to wake you up. I’ve got a terrible headache. If you don’t want me to die, open the window quickly.”

Mr. Brown jumped out of bed and began looking for matches, but he couldn’t find them in the dark, and the sick man went on: “Air, air, I want fresh air. I’m dying.”

Mr. Brown still couldn’t find the matches, so he tried to find the window. It took him some time, and at last he thought he had found it. But he couldn’t open it. As the voice of the traveller became weaker and weaker, Mr. Brown took a chair and broke the window with it. The sick man immediately stopped moaning and said he felt much better. Then the two of them slept peacefully until morning.

When they woke up next morning they were surprised to see that the only window in the room was closed but the large looking-glass was broken to pieces.







St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of February.

It’s great fun to send or receive a Valentine card, but most people have no idea who St. Valentine was. Not everybody knows why unsigned greetings of love are sent on this feast day. It
seems likely that he was Valentinus, a priest who was put to death by the Emperor Claudius for being a Christian. The Church probably chose 14th February as his feast day in the hope of rollicking the Roman spring festival, when young men and girls celebrated because spring was coming.

About mid-February the woods begin to echo with birdsongs again after the silent days of winter. Skylarks are heard singing high above meadowland. So this outburst of birdsong in early
spring was also said to be connected with St. Valentine. People imagine that on this feast day for exchanging loving greetings, birds too chose their mates before nest-building.

Shops sold ready-made Valentines, brightly coloured, lace-edged and boxed. Young people might even buy and send more than one, just for fun of it.

Nowadays about a million cards are sent by post in the United Kingdom every St. Valentine’s Day.



Great Britain 17 Переводы к текстам

The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the territory of the British Isles. It consists of 4 main countries which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state which is sometimes referred to as Great Britain or Britain (named after it main island), and England (named after the major historic part of the British Isles).

The UK is an island state that is composed of some 5,000 islands, large and small. The two main islands are: Great Britain to the east and Ireland to the west. They are separated by the Irish Sea. The area of the UK is 244,100 square kms. It is situated off to the northwest coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean on the north, and the North Sea on the east, and is separated from the European continent by the English Channel (or La Manche) and the Straits of Dover (or Pas de Calais).

The population of the UK is over 57 million people. The UK is inhabited by the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish, all of whom constitute the British nation. English is not the only language. Scottish, Welsh and Irish are also used.

The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. It has its own history. It all began in 1603 when Scotland was part of England and Wales. The flag is made up of 3 crosses. The upright cross is the Cross of St. George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. All of them are resting against the blue background of the flag. The national anthem is “God Save the Queen”. The national currency is the pound.

Geographically the island of Great Britain is subdivided into 2 main regions: Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. Lowland Britain comprises southern and eastern England. Highland Britain consists of Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennines (or the Pennine Chain) and the Lake District.

The highest mountaintop is Ben Nevis in Scotland. The chief rivers of Great Britain are: the Severn River, separating England and Wales, with the River Thames being the longest and the deepest. The swiftest flowing river is the Spray. Also the River Tweed is famous, because woolen fabric is made here.

There are many lakes in Great Britain. The Lake District is the most beautiful. The largest cities are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Bristol, Leeds, Cardiff. The capitals are: London in England, Edinburgh in Scotland, Cardiff in Wales and Belfast in Northern Ireland. Every country has its own national emblem. The red rose is the national emblem of England, the thistle is the national emblem of Scotland, the daffodil and leek are the emblems of Wales, and the shamrock (a species of clover) is the emblem of Ireland.

Прислал: Николаева Кристина . 2017-10-15 16:02:29

перевод текста The British Isles lie in the north-west of Europe. They consist of two large isl

перевод текста The British Isles lie in the north-west of Europe. They consist of two large isl ands, Great Britain and Ireland, and many smaller ones. Great Britain, the largest island in Europe, includes England, Scotland, and Wales. It is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea, and from the Continent by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover. Great Britain and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom (UK). The surface of England and Ireland is flat, but the surface of Scotland and Wales is mountainous. The mountains are almost all in the western part. The highest mountain in the United Kingdom is Ben Nevis in Scotland (1343 m). The longest river is the Severn. It is in the south-west of England. The Thames is not so long as the Severn, it is shorter. The sea enters deeply into the land and has a great influence on the climate, which is damp but rather mild: the winter is not very cold and the summer is not very hot. Over 57 million people live in the United Kingdom. Most of the people of Great Britain live in big towns and cities. The capital of the country is London. The main industrial centres are Sheffield and Birmingham where iron goods are made, Manchester, the cotton centre of England, and others. The important ports of the country are London, Liverpool, Glasgow and others.


Британские находятся лежат на северо-западе Европы. Они состоят из двух больших островов, Великобритании и Ирландии, и множества мелких.  Великобритания, самый большой остров в Европе, включает в себя Англию, Шотландию и Уэльс. Она отделена от Ирландии ирландским морем, и с материка – by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover. Великобритания и Северная Ирландия формируют Соединенное Королевство (Великобритании). Поверхность Англии и Ирландии плоская, но поверхность Шотландии и Уэльса гористая. Горы почти все в западной части. Самая высокая вершина в Великобритании – Бен-Невис в Шотландии (1343 м). Самая длинная река – Северн. Она находится в юго-западной Англии. Темза – не такая длинная, как Северн, она короче. Море врезается далеко в континент и имеет большое влияние на климат, влажный, но довольно мягкий: зима не очень холодная, а лето не очень жаркое.

Великобритания (Great Britain) топик по английскому с переводом

Топик по английскому языку с переводом на тему Великобритания (Great Britain) поможет вам рассказать о стране, язык которой вы изучаете. Тема Великобритания (Great Britain) по английскому языку даст вам общее представление об этой стране о ее географии и основных достопримечательностях.


Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. They lie to the north-west of Europe and are separated from the continent by the narrow strait of water. It is called the English Channel. Seas and oceans influence the British climate. It is too cold in winter but never very hot in summer.

The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is the central part, it occupies the most of the island of Great Britain. Each part has its capital: the capital of England is London, Scotland has Edinburgh, Wales has Cardiff, and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

The capital of Great Britain is London; it is the cultural center of the country and is situated on the banks of the Thames. There are s lot of places of interest to visit. The Big Ben, the Tower Bridge over the river Thames, the International London Heathrow Airport, the Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery of Art and many others.

There are about 64 million people living in Great Britain, most of them are English, Irish and Scottish. They all have special traditions for celebrating holidays and cook special food for festivals. All the members of families take part in these events. People in Great Britain are polite and kind.

​Many famous people were born and lived in Great Britain. One of them is William Shakespeare, who wrote tragedies “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Macbeth” and other plays. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and lived in Stratford-on-Avon with his wife and children. Shakespeare died in 1616.

Great Britain is the state of the future. I dream of going to London and seeing the most wonderful sights of the capital of the United Kingdom and I hope it will come true one day.



Объединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии расположено на Британских островах. Они лежат на севере Европы и отделены от континента узким проливом. Он называется Английским каналом. На британский климат оказывают влияние моря и океаны. Зимой бывает слишком холодно, но летом никогда не бывает слишком жарко.

Объединенное королевство состоит из 4 частей – Англии, Уэльса, Шотландии и Северной Ирландии. У каждой части своя столица. Столица Англии Лондон, Шотландии – Эдинбург, Уэльса – Кардиф, а главный город Северной Ирландии –Белфаст.

Столица Великобритании – Лондон, это культурный центр страны, и он расположен на берегах Темзы. В нем много достопримечательностей, которые можно посетить – Биг Бен, Тауэрский мост через реку Темзу, Интернациональный аэропорт Хитроу, Вестминстерское Аббатство, Национальная Галерея Искусства и много других.

В Британии живет около 64 миллионов людей, большинство из них англичане, Ирландцы и шотландцы. У всех них особые традиции для праздников, они готовят особую еду для фестивалей. Все члены семьи принимают участие в этих событиях. Люди в Британии вежливы и добры.

Многие известные люди родились в Британии. Один из них Уильям Шекспир, который написал трагедии “Ромео и Джульетта”, “Гамлет”, “Макбет” и много других пьес. Уильям Шекспир Родился в 1564 году и жил в Страдфорде на Эйвоне с женой и детьми. Шекспир умер в 1616 году.

Великобритания считается государством будущего. Я мечтаю о том, чтобы посетить Лондон и полюбоваться сами прекрасными видами столицы Объединенного Королевства и надеюсь, что эта мечта когда-нибудь сбудется.

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